Great Expectations Durham
Family doctors growing families

Resources for infant/intrapartum/prenatal death
First Candle is an American non-profit organization dedicated to safe pregnancies and the survival of babies through the first years of life. “No matter how deep your grief and how great your pain, remember that you are not alone. First Candle, along with others who have traveled this road before you, are here to help you through the difficult time following the death of your baby.”
2.The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths: http://www.sidscanada.org/
Since 1973, volunteers from the Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths have provided support to Canadian families affected by the tragedy of the unexpected loss of an infant or child. This Foundation also raises and distributes funds to enable ground-breaking research and lifesaving advocacy work. The CFSID delivers infant health and safety education through an extensive network of volunteers in communities all across Canada. CFSID provides resources and services for all infant deaths including miscarriage and stillbirth with respect to peer support, public education, awareness and supports Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) related research.3.Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep: http://www.nowIlaymedowntosleep.org/
NILMDTS aims to introduce remembrance photography to parents suffering the loss of a baby with a free gift of professional portraiture. NILMDTS educates and mobilizes professional quality photographers to provide beautiful heirloom portraits to families facing the untimely death of an infant. NILMDTS believes these images serve as an important step in the family’s healing process by honoring the child’s legacy.4.Bereaved Families of Ontario: http://www.bereavedfamilies.net/
Dedicated to bereavement support through self-help and mutual aid. BFO programs are facilitated by volunteers who are themselves bereaved. BFO provides compassionate non-denominational mutual aid support for families and individuals who have lost a significant person to death. BFO affiliates also support parents, guardians or family members helping a child grieve. As well, they support the unique circumstances faced by survivors of violent death, survivors of completed suicide, and families seeking pregnancy after loss.5.Honored Babies: http://www.HonoredBabies.org/
An American site, on a smaller scale but personal and informative. Honored Babies is a support and resource organization for women whose babies have died. It also supports family members and informs the community.6.The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto: http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/
This website belongs to the Hospital for Sick Children and is a comprehensive site offering access to information about various illnesses, diagnoses, and diseases. Parents and family members may find this site helpful if they are seeking further information and understanding about what conditions may have been associated with their infant’s death. It includes a link for both Parents, and Health Professionals.7.Postpartum Support International: http://www.postpartum.net/Get-Help/Loss-Grief-in-Pregnancy-and-Postpartum.aspx
The purpose of the organization is to increase awareness among public and professional communities about the emotional changes that women experience during pregnancy and postpartum. When the mental health of the mother is compromised, it affects the entire family. Its goal is to provide current information, resources, education, and to advocate for further research and legislation to support perinatal mental health.8.Compassionate Friends: http://www.compassionatefriends.org/
The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family.9.SHARE Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support: http://www.nationalshare.org/
Their mission is to serve those whose lives are touched by the tragic death of a baby through pregnancy loss, stillbirth or in the first few months of life, to provide support toward positive resolution of grief experienced at the time of, or following the death of a baby. This support encompasses emotional, physical, spiritual, and social healing, as well as sustaining the family unit.10.RESOLVE through Sharing: http://www.bereavementservices.org/
Bereavement Services developed a bereavement care program known as Resolve Through Sharing (RTS), and they have educated more than 30,000 healthcare professionals over 30 years. Their mission is to provide and promote dignified, respectful, and compassionate bereavement care for patients and families suffering loss throughout the continuum of life.11.Grieve Out Loud: http://www.grieveoutloud.org/
Grieve Out Loud was started in January 2010 by a group of parents who understand the pain of losing a baby and are passionate about helping others in their own grieving process.12.March of Dimes: http://www.marchofdimes.com/baby/loss.html
13.MISS Foundation: http://www.misschildren.org/
The MISS Foundation is an international volunteer-based organization providing C.A.R.E. [counseling, advocacy, research, and education] services to families experiencing the death of a child.14.Griefwatch (for perinatal loss): http://www.griefwatch.com/
The Grief Watch site was created to provide bereavement resources, memorial products and links that can help someone through their personal loss. It also serves as an excellent educational tool for all who travel down the road of grief. Please use this site to learn more about grief and the individual needs of the bereaved.15.Solace for Mothers (Birth Trauma & Recovery): http://www.solaceformothers.org/
Solace for Mothers is an organization designed for the sole purpose of providing and creating support for women who have experienced childbirth as traumatic. Birth trauma is real and can result from an even seemingly “normal” birth experience. The resources available through this site offer immediate, personal support to mothers and others who are struggling with birth trauma, PTSD after childbirth and anxiety caused by their birthing experiences.